The New Year and January holidays have become a great way to unload myself. However, almost every day I was doing something with the layout and programming. The result is pleasing — I meet this year with a new website. Welcome.
The website is cool because you always have your own address where your works and contacts are located. Yes, it’s like Instagram or Behance, but you made it yourself.
In addition to this, the website is a field for experiments. You can leave not only works there, but also create tools, record thoughts, practice in front-end and back-end, and in general do anything.
Further in programmer’s language
My first website was literally made on my knee, it was interesting to develop it, but over time it turned into a snowball.
I did not use a bundler, added all new js files and loaded them separately - this increased the load on the network. I did not use components (except for the header and footer) and a lot of code was duplicated - this slowed down my work and increased the chance of error. I did not have modules and isolated styles - this made it difficult to customize individual parts of the site. And I just knew less about coding.
Somewhere after a year, I started making a second website. It was on Gatsby. Everything was already adult there. Components, modules, assembly, React. React…
React was a pain for me. It’s cool, but I didn’t know how to use it. I spent a lot of time learning React’s states, hooks, and other features instead of creating my website. Once I got stuck on an optimization task, I never touched the second version of the website again.
This is the third version, and so far it’s the best of all.
I wrote it using Astro. I’m ready to praise this framework because it allowed me to work with components, isolated styles, imports, and TypeScript without learning React, Vue, or Svelte. Components are made up of familiar HTML, scripts are in JS or TS. Styles support pre- and post-processors (I used SASS). And all of this is combined in one file. For each component, markup, styles, and logic are in one place - it’s beautiful.
Plus, I was able to switch to Vercel, deploy to master on push, and store data in a non-relational database (sorry, SQL). In general, since the creation of, I have gained more knowledge, and the Developer Experience has improved significantly. This means that there is now the possibility of doing something more complex and cool.
More than two years passed from first publish. It was a rocky road, and it doesn’t end here. Welcome to the new website.